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  • 成立时间2009 年
  • 所属行业影视音乐设备器材
  • 企业性质私营企业
  • 注册资金100 万元
  • 员工人数10-50人
  • 所在地址上海 - 上海
  • 浏览次数13468 次
  • 更新时间2022-4-13
  • 上海明器多媒体科技有限公司的公司简介
    • Introduction of 37Digital<br><br>Founded in 2008 in Shanghai, 37Digital is now one of the leading CGI animation studios in China. We provide computer graphic content for television, big screen and computer games for organizations such as THQ, UBI Soft, Tencent, Pepsico and Greenpeace. Our awards wining works includes game cinematics for League of Legends by Riot Games, Cross Fire by Tencent and King of Kings III by Giant Interactive Group Inc.<br><br>Since its inception, we have built a sizable team of highly skilled artists with past experiences in top-tier production houses including Lucas Film Animation, UBI Soft, and Rainmaker. Our professional team is engaged in the whole pipeline of CGI animation production from concept design, storyboarding, asset creation, matte painting, to animation, rigging, lighting, rendering and compositing, making our studio a one stop shop for CGI animation needs.<br><br><br>37Digital介绍<br><br>自2008年在上海成立以来,37Digital 已然成为中国领先的CG动画工作室之一。公司先后为“THQ”、腾讯、育碧、百事(中国)、Green Peace(绿色和平)等多家知名公司创作并制作了多部高品质动画作品,为影视、游戏、广告及其他行业客户提供优秀的CG创意。我们的得奖作品包括Riot Games的《传奇联盟》,腾讯之《穿越火线》,巨人网络的《万王之王III》等。<br><br>时至今日,我们已经建立了一支集角色设计、脚本分镜创作、模型贴图、动画绑定、灯光渲染到特效合成的高素质专业团队,其核心成员皆来自于卢卡斯电影动画、育碧软件、Rainmaker等国际著名CG公司,具有深厚的行业背景和经验。<br><br>公司网址: www.37-digital.com<br>作品reel: http://www.37-digital.com/showreel_cn.html<br><br><br>Founded in 2008 by partners Ming Chang and Matthew Bouchard, 37 Digital Ltd. is a frontier feature animation production house based in Shanghai, China. With a branch in San Francisco, CA, this international company provides computer graphic content for television, big screen, and games adhering to world-class industry standards at competitive costs.<br>37 Digital Ltd has built a team of highly-skilled artists led by Ming and Matthew. The core team has rich experience in top-tier production houses including Lucas Film Animation, ILM, and Weta digital. This profound industry background reinforces the core vision of the studio: to deliver the best for global clients that help them maximize profit return and gain a competitive edge over the competition.<br>37 Digital’s location is purposeful; with Shanghai considered a new global frontier and San Francisco as a world center of entertainment, 37 Digital finds itself at the crossroads of these two arenas. Being close to both Chinese and Western digital entertainment markets, the company aims to act as a ``matchmaker’’ by providing regional industry information exchange and fostering partnerships. 37 Digital strongly believes in its ability to produce world-class entertainment offerings and has made it its mission to take the lead in the digital entertainment field.<br><br>If you are the one with passion and a dream, welcome to join 37Digital.
    • 上海明器多媒体科技有限公司的招聘职位
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    • 上海明器多媒体科技有限公司的联系方式
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